
Happy Home Life Tip #1

Create a home that feels safe.

As a child I had lots of stuff.  Big house, antiques, horses, dance lessons, tennis courts, a car…but I never felt emotionally safe. I never felt listened to, heard, or really interesting to my family. They didn’t attend my field hockey games, school events or come to my college graduation.

Even though there was no drama or yelling, our home just felt like the kind of place I shouldn’t invite friends over, or share my feelings, or expect any emotional support.

I became very self-sufficient!  And I began looking to other families for examples of how to create a happy marriage and raise happy kids.

My husband and I have tried to make our home an anchor, a refuge, a life raft, a port in a storm, a happy place, and a place where everyone can express themselves and feel loved.

I knew we succeeded when one of our sons would confide in the family and then state “now this doesn’t leave our Circle of Trust” and when, as a teen, our eldest renamed our family “Diego Island”. 

It went on to become a joke wether or not to grant a son’s fiancé a visa to the island!

(We’ve granted two visas and hope for a third!)

Diego Island will forever be a Safe place.




respect is all you need